/ Studium
Joint Fieldwork Exercise Program in INDONESIA
In tandem with Indonesion students and in cooperation with the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Freiburg (“European Campus”) and the Institute for Anthropology of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Dear students of Anthropology in Basel (both BA and MA),
Since 2004 the Departments for Anthropology in Freiburg and Yogyakarta (UGM) have been conducting joint fieldwork training programs (fieldcourses). With great pleasure we invite students from Basel to join the program in 2018. We will spend four weeks in Yogyakarta from 20 July on and you are expected to conduct an empirical research exercise together with a tandem partner (BA or MA) from UGM under the umbrella topic “Anthropology of Activism” (if you wish with a special focus on environmental activism). The program consists of fieldresearch and workshops and will be supervised by both Indonesian lecturers and Prof. Judith Schlehe. It will be held in English. Yet, you are invited to join an Indonesian language course (for beginners) in the summer term 2018 at the University of Freiburg (on Monday morning, beginning on 16th April). Your participation is supported and subsidised by the University of Basel as its own fieldcoures are and it will be acknowledged as an integral part of your studies.
An outstanding feature of this program is its reciprocity. Your Indonesian tandem partners (or at least some of them) will visit Freiburg or Basel and conduct a corresponding fieldwork exercise in tandem with German or Swiss students for four weeks.
As preparation for the 2018 program we will organize several meetings in Freiburg and you are expected to write a proposal until the end of June.
If you are interested to participate please send first an informal email to:
Later, you will be expected to write a motivation letter and an application. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for any questions.
For some lively impressions on the program (photos, research topics etc.) in previous years see:
English version:
or have a look at an article:
Looking forward to our collaboration
Judith Schlehe
(Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Freiburg, Germany)