/ News, Forschung
Out now: Basel Papers on Political Transformations (20/21)
Title: Ethnographic Vignettes - Social Change and Social Encounters in Solwezi, Northwestern Zambia/ News, Forschung, Studium, Doktorat, Organisation, People, Campus
Wegen Coronavirus/ News, Forschung, People
Silke Oldenburg bei Radio SRF 2 Kultur
Tandem - Unter Nachbarn. Sie sind Nachbarn und doch trennen sie Welten: Der Bauer Lukas Rediger vom Margarethengut in Basel und die Ethnologin Silke Oldenburg./ News, Forschung
New SNF Project (2020-2022)
Life in the West African Savannah since the 1970s: Hegemony and autonomy/ News, Forschung, People
For Sidney
Obituary for Prof Sidney Kasfir by Prof Till Förster/ News, Forschung
Silke Oldenburg im Deutschlandfunk
Silke Oldenburg spricht über ihre Arbeit zu Humor und Krieg im Deutschlandfunk./ News, Forschung
Out now: Basel Papers on Political Transformations (18/19)
Title: Aesthetics of Articulation/ News, Forschung
New Research project: Exploring migrant decision-making in West Africa (MIGCHOICE)
Dr Michelle Engeler is part of a new research project that will explore migration decision-making and development in West Africa. The project, which is being led by the University of Birmingham, will explore how interventions in areas such…