
/ Forschung

Burden of chronic pain among adult pastoralists in Ethiopia: a cross-sectional household survey New article by Piet van Eeuwijk and colleagues

New article by Piet van Eeuwijk and colleagues

/ Forschung

Contemporary Ethnographic Aesthetics: The TikTok Turn

New article by Lesley Nicole Braun and Anna Vollmer Mateus

/ News, Forschung

Out now: Basel Anthropology Papers #1: Drawings

Inaugural issue of our institute’s new periodical

/ Doktorat, People

PhD Position / Assistantship in Social Anthropology (60%)

The Institute of Social Anthropology at the University of Basel, Switzerland, is searching for a doctoral fellow with a strong training in - and innovative ideas for - the theory and methods of socio-cultural anthropology. Candidates'…

/ Forschung

On Hate, its Objects, and the Poetics of Sexuality

New article by George Paul Meiu

/ News, Forschung

Out now: Podcast on Materiality

With Carine Ayélé Durand

/ News, Forschung

Operational Differences between Product Development Partnership, Pharmaceutical Industry, and Investigator Initiated Clinical Trials

New article by Piet van Eeuwijk and colleagues

/ News, Forschung

Collective Memory, Justice, and Land Disputes after the Repatriation of the Crimean Tatars

New article by Olena Sobolieva

/ Forschung

“I could not bear it”: Perceptions of chronic pain among Somali pastoralists in Ethiopia. A qualitative study.

New article by Piet van Eeuwijk and colleagues

/ Forschung

Anthropology Projects awarded 2 SNF Grants

We are delighted that two of our research projects have just been awarded SNF grants. The project “Intimacy, Im/mobility, and Belonging in Africa and Europe,” developed by Kaue Crima Bellini (PhD candidate), Claudine Rakotomanana (PhD…