
/ Forschung, People

Opportunities and challenges for decentralised clinical trials in sub-Saharan Africa: a qualitative study

New article by Piet van Eeuwijk and colleagues

/ Forschung, Studium

Out now: The Program of the Colloquium "Anthropological Crossroads" for Fall Semester 2023

The program of the colloquium "Anthropological Crossroads" is out now. For further details please see the individual slots under "Events".

/ Events, People

Methods and Media of the absent/present

Visual Approaches to Vodun and Vodou, 14.-15. September 2023, University of Zurich

/ Forschung

“It is difficult for us to treat their pain”. Health professionals’ perceptions of Somali pastoralists in the context of pain management: a conceptual model

New article by Piet van Eeuwijk and colleagues

/ Forschung, Info

Anthropology on Air

Podcast with George Paul Meiu

/ Forschung

Waiting Out the Rush: On the Durability of Wealth in Kenya’s Coastal Sex Economies

New book chapter by George Paul Meiu

/ News, Forschung

Desiring Queer Motherhood and Mothering Ourselves

New article by Serena Dankwa

/ News, Forschung, People

Mirror Dancing in Congo: Reflections on Fieldwork as Blanche Neige

New article by Lesley Nicole Braun

/ News, Events

Bernardine Evaristo: Gibt es ein richtiges Leben im falschen?

Lesung und Gespräch mit Moderation von Serena Dankwa

/ Forschung

Estoy llenita de agua: Caring for infrastructural belonging in Cartagena

New publication by Silke Oldenburg and María Buelvas