
/ News, Forschung, People

TikTok als Quelle für ethnografische Untersuchungen

Blogbeitrag von Lesley Nicole Braun in den Uni News

/ News, People

2 PhD scholarships offered by the Centre for African Studies Basel

The Centre for African Studies at the University of Basel calls for applications for two doctoral positions in Social Anthropology or African Studies covering a period of three years funded by the Humer Foundation for Academic Talent. The…

/ News, People

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Social Anthropology (60%)

The incoming Chair of Anthropology at the University of Basel, Switzerland, Prof. Dr. George Paul Meiu, is searching for a postdoctoral fellow with a strong training in - and innovative ideas for - the theory and methods of socio-cultural…

/ News, Forschung, People

Piet van Eeuwijk has been elected member of the 'Expert Groups on Global Health Themes' of the 'International Society of Global Health' in the thematic field 'Health Problems of Aging Populations'

The International Society of Global Health (ISoGH) aims to promote global health as a field of scientific research and health care practice nationally and internationally; to produce, provide, exchange and disseminate information relating…

/ News, People

George Paul Meiu appointed Professor of Anthropology

George Paul Meiu will take up the professorship with a focus on social anthropology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences on 1 July 2022. He succeeds Prof. Dr. Till Förster, who held the position since 2001. The Institute of…

/ News, Studium

Guided Field Course HS 2022/ FS 2023

Exploring Urban Environmental Futures in Colombia: Climate Justice, the Promise of Infrastructure and Beyond…

/ News, Events, Organisation, People

Farewell Symposium in Honor of Prof. Dr. Till Förster

We are pleased to celebrate Professor Till Förster's distinguished career spanning over 20 years at the Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Basel. The institute will host a symposium to honor his research and teaching…

/ News, People

Till Förster im Interview mit dem SonntagBlick

Till Förster und weitere Experten warnen im Interview mit dem SonntagsBlick vor den indirekten Folgen des russischen Angriffs, denn vom Weizen aus der Ukraine sind vor allem die Maghreb-Staaten abhängig.

/ News, Organisation, Info

Neue Social-Media-Kanäle

Das Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften freut sich, Sie neu auf Instagram, Twitter und Facebook begrüssen zu dürfen. Künftig werden wir auf unseren Social-Media-Kanälen in Englisch und Deutsch Neuigkeiten aus unseren Fachbereichen,…

/ News, Forschung, People

Bodily ethnography: Some epistemological challenges of participation

New article by Till Förster