/ Forschung, People
New publication on inequality, victimhood, and redress
Dr. Rita Kesselring published a chapter in The Oxford Handbook of Law and Anthropology edited by Marie-Claire Foblets, Mark Goodale, Maria Sapignoli, and Olaf Zenker/ Forschung
Out now: 5th JJ Bachofen Lecture delivered by Prof. Amanda Hammar, Copenhagen
In her lecture, Prof Amanda Hammar, Centre of African Studies, University of Copenhagen, reflected on biography, property and personhood in Urban Zimbabwe/ Forschung, People
Out now: Basel Papers on Political Transformations (22)
Title: Existential Transformations. Life in the West African savannah since the 1970s: An outlook/ News, Forschung, People
Silke Oldenburg has a new Project in Colombia
Silke Oldenburg has been awarded a seed money grant by the Leading House for the Latin American Region of the Universität St. Gallen (CLS-HSG). In collaboration with Jaime Hernandez-Garcia (Universidad Javeriana), she will be the principal…/ News, Forschung, People
New Article and Radio Interview by Lesley Nicole Braun
How Memes in the DRC Allow People to Laugh at Those in Power – and Themselves/ News, Forschung, People
Rita Kesselring auf zur Konzernverantwortungsinitiative
Wieso lehnt eine Grünliberale die Konzern-Initiative ab? Die Konzern-Initiative wird von allen Seiten heiss diskutiert. Für ein Nein kämpft Afrika-Kennerin Isabelle Chevalley. Damit stösst die GLP-Frau auf Kritik. Eine Ethnologin mit…/ News, Studium
New Website: African Worlds in China
Students of the field course 2019/20 created a website with impressions of their field trip./ News, Forschung, People
Rita Kesselring in Le Temps on debt relief and covid-19
«La situation économique zambienne était critique bien avant le Covid-19, affirme Rita Kesselring, chercheuse à l’Université de Bâle et co-auteur d’une étude intitulée «Swiss extractivism: Switzerland’s role in Zambia’s copper sector»,…/ News, Forschung, People
New Publication by Lesley Nicole Braun
Infectious Images: Viral Internet Content in the Democratic Republic of Congo