/ News, Studies
Guided Field Course HS 2022/ FS 2023
Exploring Urban Environmental Futures in Colombia: Climate Justice, the Promise of Infrastructure and Beyond…
The core of the MA Anthropology in Basel is a thorough training in ethnographic methodology through a partly subsidized and guided fieldtrip. During this course (two terms, six weeks of fieldwork abroad in January/ February 2023), MA students formulate their individual research proposal and conduct research under the supervision of Dr. Silke Oldenburg.
You will learn how to
• formulate your own research questions in line with your interest and job aspirations supervised by an experienced anthropologist;
• apply ethnographic methods during a field trip of six weeks to urban Colombia combining theory and practice;
• improve your language skills and communication skills across milieus and contexts;
• analyse the collected data, present the findings in an academic context and write a final field report;
• acquire some necessary skills for a possible PhD project.
The general theme of the field course sheds light on Urban Environmental Futures within which the individual research projects are loosely situated. The course focuses on Cartagena de Indias, a Colombian port and world heritage city, where climate change and rising sea level have become a pressing environmental challenge for both, municipal agencies and ordinary citizens, to mitigate flooding risk, preserve urban infrastructure and prepare for the future. You are welcome to discuss your preliminary ideas.
Come and join the first meeting on Wednesday, 25 May 2022, from 12.30 to 1.30pm, in the seminar room at the Institute of Anthropology (Münsterplatz 19, 4051 Basel)
For further information, please contact Silke Oldenburg: silke.oldenburg@unibas.ch