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Rita Kesselring is new editor-in-chief of Anthropology Southern Africa

Dr. Rita Kesselring is the new editor-in-chief of the journal Anthropology Southern Africa

Anthropology Southern Africa is the peer-reviewed journal of the Anthropology Southern Africa association. Formerly the Journal of South African Ethnology (1994-2001), the journal changed name and focus in 2002. The journal aims to promote anthropology in Southern Africa, to support ethnographic and theoretical research, and to provide voices to public debates. Anthropology Southern Africa is committed to contemporary perspectives in social and cultural anthropology and in relevant interdisciplinary scholarship. It looks at the current conditions in Southern African, African, and Global societies,   taking into consideration varied challenges such as the politics of difference, or poverty and dignity. We have recently published on topics, which include, among others, cities and urbanism, new religious movements, popular culture, social media, neoliberalism, nationalism, racism, social memory, protests and social movements, health and illness, or human rights. The journal publishes work on and from Southern Africa including Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. We occasionally publish material on and from other countries, where this is deemed relevant for Southern African perspectives.

The journal has made some fantastic progress more recently and can now be proud of an impact factor of 0.714.


Rita Kesselring (University of Basel), Editor-in-Chief
Sandra Manuel (Eduardo Mondlane University)
Romie Nghitevelekwa (University of Namibia)
Teresa Connor (Fort Hare University)

Book review editor:

Romie Nghitevelekwa (University of Namibia)