
/ Research, Studies

Next guided field course goes to Burkina Faso (2018/2019)

Do you want to learn more about everyday life in ordinary African cities such as Koudougou, Tenkodogo, Banfora Ouahigouya, Bobo Dioulasso Fada N‘Gourma, Ouagadougou?

/ Research, People

New articles by Silke Oldenburg and Rita Kesselring

The articles look at urban space in eastern Congo and Northwestern Zambia

/ Research, Studies, People

New chapter by Till Förster and Lucy Koechlin in the "Oxford Handbook of Governance and Limited Statehood"

In their contribution, Till Förster and Lucy Koechlin discuss the construction and role of "traditional" authorities in governance arrangements.

/ Research, Studies, Doctorate/PhD, People

New article by Till Förster and Lucy Koechlin published in "The Palgrave Handbook of Urban Ethnography"

The contribution takes a closer look at the formation of political spaces in secondary cities in East and West Africa.

/ Research, People

Habilitation Completed – Privatdozent Granted to PD Piet van Eeuwijk

In March 2018 Piet van Eeuwijk has completed his ‘Habilitation’ and was granted ‘Privatdozent’ at the University of Zurich. Congratulations!

/ Research, People

Rita Kesselring is new editor of Anthropology Southern Africa

From March 2018 onwards, Rita Kesselring is one of three full editors of the journal Anthropology Southern Africa

/ Studies

Joint Fieldwork Exercise Program in INDONESIA

In tandem with Indonesion students and in cooperation with the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Freiburg (“European Campus”) and the Institute for Anthropology of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta,…