/ Research, People
Defining Clinical Trial Quality from the Perspective of Resource-Limited Settings: A qualitative study based on interviews with investigators, sponsors, and monitors conducting clinical trials in sub-Saharan Africa
New article co-authored by Piet van Eeuwijk/ Research, People
Dr. Rita Kesselring to take up position as Assoc. Professor of Urban Studies at the University of St Gallen
Dr. Rita Kesselring recently accepted the appointment as an Associate Professor of Urban Studies at the University of St Gallen, Switzerland. She will start her new position at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) in August…/ News, Research, People
Waiting for “Good Care”. Biomedicine and the Elderly in North Sulawesi, Indonesia
New Publication by Piet van Eeuwijk/ News, Research, People
Dr. Fiona Siegenthaler new curator at the Linden-Museum Stuttgart
Congratulations from the colleagues at the Chair of Anthropology!