Dr. Andrea Kaiser-Grolimund
Administrative staff
Associate & Visiting (Researcher)
Andrea Kaiser-Grolimund
Medizinische Fakultät
Institut für Pflegewissenschaft

Administrative staff

Bernoullistrasse 28
4056 Basel


Schweizerisches Tropen- und Public Health-Institut

Associate & Visiting (Researcher)

Münsterplatz 19
4051 Basel


Andrea Kaiser-Grolimund is a research associate and lecturer in the field of medical anthropology at the Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Basel and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH).

She studied Social Anthropology and Law (BA 2008) at the University of Basel and the University of Lausanne and completed her Master in African Studies (MA 2010) at the University of Basel. She wrote her MA-thesis in the field of human-animal health and in collaboration with the Swiss TPH and the University of Lomé, Togo.

In 2011, Andrea Kaiser-Grolimund worked as an assistant at the Centre for African Studies and from 2012 she was academic assistant and lecturer at the Institute of Social Anthropology. She completed her dissertation in 2018 titled The New Old Urbanites. Care and Transnational Aging in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania  within the framework of a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

From 2015 to 2018 Andrea Kaiser-Grolimund coordinated together with Hannah Brown the Anthro-Zoonoses Network at Durham University, UK. From 2018 to 2019 she worked as an administrative assistant and project manager of the CASCADE study at the Institute of Nursing Science, University of Basel. Currently, she also works as a scientific collaborator in the CASCADE project at the Department of Clinical Research, University of Basel.

Focus in Teaching:
Qualitative research methods, courses on and in the field of medical anthropology and introductory courses in anthropology.

Field research:
Togo: 2009 (2 months), 2010 (2 months), Tanzania: 2012 (6 months), 2013 (6 months), 2015 (2 months), USA: 2014 (2 months), Switzerland: 2019/2020 (ongoing)

  • Aging
  • (Cancer) Care
  • Human Animal Health
  • Migration
  • Middle Classes and Urban Anthropology
  • East Africa/Tanzania
  • West Africa/Togo